Scouts new logo

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) unveiled a new logo in 2019, which is a significant change from the traditional logo that has been used for over 100 years. Here are some key features of the new logo:

Design: The new logo features a stylized icon of a compass with the words "Scouting" written in a modern, sans-serif font. The compass is a nod to the scouting values of navigation, direction, and guidance.

Color scheme: The logo features a bold, bright blue color (#007bff) and a secondary color, a deep, rich brown (#754975). The blue represents the sky and the infinite possibilities, while the brown represents the earth and the connection to nature.

Meaning: The new logo is designed to be more inclusive and representative of the diverse group of people who participate in Scouting. The compass represents the idea of finding one's way and navigating through life, while the words "Scouting" emphasize the organization's mission to prepare young people for life.

Typography: The font used in the logo is a custom-designed sans-serif font that is clean, modern, and easy to read. The font is designed to be versatile and can be used in a variety of contexts, from print materials to digital platforms.

Iconography: The compass icon is designed to be simple, yet distinctive and memorable. The icon is meant to be used as a standalone element, as well as in combination with the logotype (the words "Scouting").

Accessibility: The new logo is designed to be accessible and usable by people with disabilities. The logo is available in a variety of formats, including vector graphics, raster images, and text-only versions.

Overall, the new logo is designed to be a modern, dynamic, and inclusive representation of the Boy Scouts of America, while still honoring the organization's rich history and tradition.