Schumer seizes on trump teams offer to work with dems

You're referring to the recent development where the Trump administration has offered to work with Democrats on certain issues, and Chuck Schumer, the Senate Minority Leader, has seized on this opportunity.

Here's a summary of the situation:

On January 9, 2021, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows reached out to Schumer to discuss potential areas of cooperation between the administration and Democrats. This move was seen as a surprise, as the Trump administration has been known for its divisive rhetoric and lack of willingness to work with Democrats.

Schumer, who has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration, saw this as an opportunity to push for bipartisan cooperation and has been actively engaging with the administration on several issues. Some of the areas where Schumer has expressed willingness to work with the administration include:

  1. COVID-19 relief: Schumer has been pushing for a comprehensive COVID-19 relief package, and has expressed interest in working with the administration to pass a bill that includes funding for vaccine distribution, testing, and economic support for small businesses and individuals.
  2. Infrastructure: Schumer has long been a proponent of infrastructure spending, and has expressed interest in working with the administration to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill that includes funding for roads, bridges, and public transportation.
  3. Immigration: Schumer has been a vocal advocate for comprehensive immigration reform, and has expressed interest in working with the administration to pass a bill that includes a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Schumer's willingness to work with the administration has been met with skepticism by some Democrats, who view the Trump administration as untrustworthy and unwilling to compromise. However, Schumer has argued that it's essential to engage with the administration and push for bipartisan cooperation, even if it means making concessions.

It remains to be seen whether the Trump administration will follow through on its offer to work with Democrats, or if Schumer's efforts will be met with resistance. However, the fact that Schumer is willing to engage with the administration is a positive sign, and could potentially lead to some meaningful bipartisan cooperation in the coming months.