Schools close as uk govt announces emergency coronavirus plans

Breaking News

The UK government has announced emergency plans to combat the spread of coronavirus, including the closure of all schools and universities across the country.

In a statement, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: "The situation is grave, and we must take immediate action to protect the health and well-being of our citizens. Closing schools and universities is a difficult decision, but it is necessary to slow the spread of the virus and prevent further transmission."

The decision comes as the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK has risen to over 1,000, with several deaths reported. The government has also announced plans to increase testing capacity, improve contact tracing, and provide additional support to the NHS.

The closure of schools and universities will take effect immediately, with students and staff advised to stay at home until further notice. The government has also announced plans to provide online learning resources and support for students who will be affected by the closure.

The decision has been met with widespread criticism from parents and teachers, who have expressed concerns about the impact on children's education and the lack of notice given. However, the government has emphasized the need for swift action to prevent the spread of the virus.

The UK is not the only country to take drastic measures to combat the spread of coronavirus. Many other countries, including Italy, France, and Spain, have also implemented widespread closures and restrictions.

Stay tuned for further updates as this situation develops.