Scholarship news release

Here's a sample scholarship news release:


[Scholarship Name] Awards [Number] Students with [Amount] in Scholarships

[City, State] – [Date] – [Organization Name], a [briefly describe the organization], is pleased to announce the winners of its [Scholarship Name] scholarship program. This year, [Number] students have been awarded [Amount] in scholarships to support their higher education goals.

The [Scholarship Name] scholarship program was established to recognize and reward outstanding students who have demonstrated academic excellence, community service, and leadership skills. The program is open to [eligible students, e.g. high school seniors, college students, etc.] who are pursuing higher education in [specific fields or majors].

"We are thrilled to announce the winners of our [Scholarship Name] program," said [Name], [Title] of [Organization Name]. "These students have shown exceptional talent, dedication, and commitment to their studies, and we are proud to support them in their academic pursuits."

The winners of the [Scholarship Name] scholarship program are:

The [Scholarship Name] scholarship program is made possible through the generosity of [donors or sponsors]. The organization is grateful for their support and commitment to education.

For more information about the [Scholarship Name] program, please visit [organization website]. Applications for next year's program will be available in [timeframe].

Contact: [Name] [Title] [Organization Name] [Email] [Phone]
