Scan news app

Here are some popular news scanning apps that you can use to stay up-to-date with current events:

  1. Apple News (iOS, Android): A personalized news aggregator that curates articles from top news sources and allows you to customize your feed.
  2. Google News (iOS, Android): A news aggregator that collects articles from thousands of sources and allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources.
  3. Flipboard (iOS, Android): A visually appealing news aggregator that allows you to create custom magazines and follow topics and sources.
  4. News360 (iOS, Android): A personalized news aggregator that uses AI to curate articles based on your interests and preferences.
  5. Feedly (iOS, Android): A news aggregator that allows you to subscribe to your favorite news sources and customize your feed with topics and sources.
  6. Pocket (iOS, Android): A news aggregator that allows you to save articles to read later, even offline.
  7. Newsify (iOS, Android): A news aggregator that allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources, and also includes features like article summaries and audio playback.
  8. Tinypass (iOS, Android): A news aggregator that allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources, and also includes features like article summaries and audio playback.
  9. News Republic (iOS, Android): A news aggregator that allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources, and also includes features like article summaries and audio playback.
  10. SmartNews (iOS, Android): A news aggregator that uses AI to curate articles based on your interests and preferences, and also includes features like article summaries and audio playback.

These apps are all available for both iOS and Android devices, and many of them offer a free version as well as a paid subscription option with additional features.