Sbl greek new testament

You're referring to the SBL Greek New Testament (SBLGNT)!

The SBLGNT is a critical edition of the Greek New Testament, published by the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). It is a widely used and respected scholarly edition of the Greek text, known for its careful attention to textual criticism and its inclusion of a wide range of variant readings.

Here are some key features of the SBLGNT:

  1. Textual basis: The SBLGNT is based on a thorough examination of the entire manuscript tradition of the Greek New Testament, including both Greek manuscripts and early translations.
  2. Critical apparatus: The edition includes a detailed critical apparatus, which provides information about the textual variants and their relationships to one another.
  3. Inclusive of variant readings: The SBLGNT includes a wide range of variant readings, including those found in early manuscripts, patristic citations, and other sources.
  4. No emendations: Unlike some other critical editions, the SBLGNT does not introduce emendations or corrections to the text, but rather presents the variants as they appear in the manuscripts.
  5. Greek text only: The SBLGNT is a Greek text only, without any accompanying English translation.

The SBLGNT is widely used by scholars and students of the Greek New Testament, and is considered a valuable resource for anyone working with the Greek text.

If you're interested in accessing the SBLGNT, you can find it in various formats, including print, digital, and online versions. Some popular sources include: