Saudis arrest of 2 princes called a warning to royal family

You're referring to the high-profile arrests of several Saudi princes, including Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, in November 2017. The arrests were part of a broader crackdown on corruption and power consolidation by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

The arrests were seen as a warning to the royal family and other powerful individuals in Saudi Arabia to fall in line with MBS's vision for the country. Here are some key points about the arrests:

  1. Corruption crackdown: The arrests were part of a corruption crackdown launched by MBS, who vowed to root out corruption and mismanagement in the kingdom. The campaign was dubbed "Operation Zero Tolerance."
  2. High-profile detainees: The arrested princes included:
    • Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a billionaire businessman and investor who was one of the richest men in the world.
    • Prince Miteb bin Abdullah, the head of the Saudi National Guard and a member of the royal family.
    • Other princes, officials, and businessmen were also arrested.
  3. Warning to the royal family: The arrests were seen as a warning to the royal family and other powerful individuals to support MBS's reforms and avoid challenging his authority. MBS was consolidating power and eliminating potential rivals.
  4. Financial motives: The arrests were also motivated by financial concerns. The detained princes and officials were accused of embezzling billions of dollars from state funds and engaging in other financial irregularities.
  5. International implications: The arrests had significant international implications, with many countries and organizations expressing concern about the crackdown on human rights and the rule of law in Saudi Arabia.
  6. Aftermath: The arrests led to a significant shake-up in Saudi Arabia's power structure, with many officials and princes being replaced or demoted. MBS has since consolidated his power and become the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia.

In summary, the arrests of the two princes and other high-profile individuals in Saudi Arabia were a warning to the royal family and other powerful individuals to support MBS's reforms and avoid challenging his authority. The crackdown was part of a broader effort to consolidate power and eliminate potential rivals.