Saudi arabia christian news

Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country and has a strict policy of separating religion and state. As a result, there are very few Christians living in the country, and those who do are mostly foreign workers or expatriates. However, there are some Christian news sources that report on the situation of Christians in Saudi Arabia and the efforts of Christian organizations to spread the Gospel in the country. Here are a few examples:

  1. Open Doors USA: Open Doors is a Christian organization that works to support and empower persecuted Christians around the world. They have a specific focus on Saudi Arabia, where they report on the challenges faced by Christians and the efforts of Christian organizations to spread the Gospel.
  2. Christianity Today: Christianity Today is a Christian news organization that reports on news and events related to Christianity around the world. They have a section dedicated to Middle Eastern news, which includes reports on the situation of Christians in Saudi Arabia.
  3. World Watch Monitor: World Watch Monitor is a Christian news organization that reports on the persecution of Christians around the world. They have a specific focus on the Middle East, where they report on the challenges faced by Christians in countries like Saudi Arabia.
  4. The Christian Post: The Christian Post is a Christian news organization that reports on news and events related to Christianity around the world. They have a section dedicated to international news, which includes reports on the situation of Christians in Saudi Arabia.

Some recent news stories about Christians in Saudi Arabia include:

It's worth noting that the situation for Christians in Saudi Arabia is complex and can be challenging. While there are some restrictions on the practice of Christianity, there are also some efforts underway to promote religious freedom and tolerance in the country.