Satire news sites

The joy of satire news sites! Here are some popular ones:

  1. The Onion ( One of the most well-known and respected satire news sites, The Onion has been around since 1988 and is known for its witty, irreverent, and often absurd articles.
  2. The Daily Mash ( A UK-based satire site that's been around since 2007, The Daily Mash is known for its humorous take on current events and pop culture.
  3. Clickhole ( A satirical news site created by The Onion in 2014, Clickhole is known for its absurd and often surreal articles.
  4. The Borowitz Report ( A satirical news column written by Andy Borowitz for The New Yorker, The Borowitz Report is known for its humorous take on politics and current events.
  5. The Hard Times ( A satirical news site that focuses on punk rock and alternative culture, The Hard Times is known for its humorous take on music, politics, and social issues.
  6. Reductress ( A satirical women's magazine that parodies the likes of Cosmopolitan and other women's publications, Reductress is known for its humorous take on feminism, relationships, and pop culture.
  7. The Beaverton ( A Canadian satirical news site that's been around since 2009, The Beaverton is known for its humorous take on politics, current events, and Canadian culture.
  8. NewsThump ( A UK-based satire site that's been around since 2006, NewsThump is known for its humorous take on current events, politics, and pop culture.
  9. The Spoof ( A satirical news site that's been around since 2000, The Spoof is known for its humorous take on politics, current events, and pop culture.
  10. Lolitics ( A satirical news site that focuses on politics and current events, Lolitics is known for its humorous take on the news and its use of memes and humor.

Remember, satire is all about using humor to comment on and critique the world around us. These sites are meant to be entertaining and thought-provoking, but not meant to be taken literally!