Sassa news today sassa handles r350 grant backlog issues
Here are some updates on SASSA's efforts to address the R350 grant backlog issues:
Latest News:
- SASSA to pay out R350 grant backlog by end of March: According to a statement by SASSA, the agency plans to pay out the outstanding R350 grant backlog by the end of March 2023. This is a significant development, as many beneficiaries have been waiting for months to receive their grants.
- SASSA to use new payment system: To address the backlog, SASSA has introduced a new payment system, which is expected to improve the efficiency and speed of grant payments. The new system will allow for more accurate and timely payments.
- Beneficiaries can track their payments: SASSA has also introduced a new online platform that allows beneficiaries to track the status of their payments. This will enable them to monitor the progress of their payments and receive updates on any issues that may arise.
The R350 grant, also known as the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, was introduced in 2020 to provide financial assistance to individuals who are in dire need of support. However, due to various challenges, including technical issues and a high volume of applications, SASSA has struggled to pay out the grants in a timely manner.
What you need to know:
- Check your payment status: Beneficiaries can check their payment status on the SASSA website or through the SASSA app.
- Report any issues: If you encounter any issues with your payment, you can report them to SASSA's customer service center or through the SASSA app.
- Be patient: SASSA is working to resolve the backlog as quickly as possible, but it may take some time to process all the outstanding payments.
I hope this information is helpful!