Saraki to obasanjo 8th senate is accountable transparent responsible

It appears you're referencing a quote or statement made by Bukola Saraki, the former President of the Nigerian Senate, to Olusegun Obasanjo, a former President of Nigeria.

The quote is: "8th Senate is accountable, transparent, and responsible."

In this quote, Saraki is highlighting the achievements and characteristics of the 8th Senate, which he led as President, under the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari. By emphasizing accountability, transparency, and responsibility, Saraki is implying that the 8th Senate was committed to good governance, openness, and effective representation of the Nigerian people.

It's worth noting that the 8th Senate, which served from 2015 to 2019, was marked by controversy and disagreements between the Senate and the Executive branch, particularly over issues like budget implementation, appointments, and legislative powers. However, Saraki's statement suggests that the Senate remained committed to its constitutional duties and responsibilities during this period.

Would you like me to provide more context or information about the 8th Senate or the relationship between Saraki and Obasanjo?