Saraki supports passage of nff bill assures of positive change #comments

Here are some possible comments on the news that Saraki supports the passage of the NFF bill and assures of positive change:

Comment 1 "Finally, a step in the right direction! Saraki's support for the NFF bill is a welcome development. I hope this leads to positive changes in the football federation and a better future for Nigerian football."

Comment 2 "I'm glad to hear that Saraki is backing the NFF bill. It's about time we saw some reforms in the football federation. I'm optimistic that this bill will bring about the changes we need to take Nigerian football to the next level."

Comment 3 "Saraki's assurance of positive change is music to my ears! I've been following the NFF's antics for a while now, and it's clear that something needs to be done. I hope this bill passes and brings about the much-needed reforms."

Comment 4 "This is a great move by Saraki! The NFF has been plagued by corruption and mismanagement for far too long. I hope this bill is the start of a new era for Nigerian football, one that prioritizes the development of our players and the growth of the sport."

Comment 5 "I'm not surprised that Saraki is supporting the NFF bill. He's always been a champion of positive change in Nigeria. I hope this bill passes and brings about the kind of reforms that will benefit Nigerian football and its fans."

Comment 6 "This is a big step forward for Nigerian football! Saraki's support for the NFF bill is a sign that the government is committed to making a positive impact on the sport. I hope this leads to a brighter future for our national teams and players."

Comment 7 "I'm excited to see what this bill will bring to Nigerian football. Saraki's assurance of positive change is reassuring, and I hope that the NFF will finally start to prioritize the needs of our players and fans. It's time for a change!"