Saraki collected salary governor till august 2015 witness

A very specific and interesting question!

According to reports, Bukola Saraki, the former Governor of Kwara State, collected his salary as Governor until August 2015, despite having resigned from office on May 29, 2011.

This was revealed by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) during a trial in 2016. The EFCC alleged that Saraki had continued to collect his salary and allowances as Governor until August 2015, even after he had resigned and handed over to his deputy, Engr. Abdullahi Namadi Samari.

The EFCC claimed that Saraki had used the funds to finance his political activities and personal expenses. The commission also alleged that Saraki had laundered funds through various means, including the use of shell companies and fake bank accounts.

Saraki has denied any wrongdoing and has consistently maintained that he did not embezzle any funds during his tenure as Governor. However, the EFCC's allegations have led to several investigations and trials, including a trial at the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) and the Federal High Court.

It's worth noting that the exact amount of salary and allowances collected by Saraki during this period is not publicly known, as the records are not publicly available. However, the EFCC has alleged that the amount was substantial and was used to finance Saraki's political activities and personal expenses.