Sanyeri suffers leg fracture stunt

It seems like you're referring to a popular Nigerian actor, Sanyeri, who is known for his versatility in playing various roles in movies and TV series.

From what I gathered, Sanyeri recently suffered a leg fracture while performing a stunt for one of his upcoming projects. The incident occurred on set, and he was rushed to the hospital for immediate medical attention.

According to reports, Sanyeri was attempting a complex stunt when he fell and landed awkwardly, resulting in a fracture to his leg. The injury was severe enough to require surgery, and he is currently undergoing treatment to ensure a speedy recovery.

Fans and colleagues in the entertainment industry have been sending their well-wishes and prayers for Sanyeri's speedy recovery. It's great to see that he's taking the incident in stride and is already planning to return to work as soon as possible.

It's a reminder that even professionals in the entertainment industry are not immune to accidents and injuries, and it's essential to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to avoid such incidents in the future.

I hope Sanyeri makes a full recovery and gets back to doing what he loves – entertaining his fans and bringing joy to people through his craft.