Sanwo olu sets date for take off of regional road project

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Lagos State Governor, Sanwo-Olu Sets Date for Take-Off of Regional Road Project

Lagos, Nigeria - Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has announced that the much-anticipated Regional Road Project will take off on [Date]. The project, which is aimed at transforming the state's transportation infrastructure, is expected to ease traffic congestion and improve the overall quality of life for residents.

The Regional Road Project, which is a collaboration between the Lagos State Government and the Federal Government, will involve the construction of a 37-kilometer road network that will connect the state to its neighboring states. The project is expected to be completed within a period of 24 months and will cost an estimated N100 billion.

Speaking at a press conference held at the State House in Ikeja, Governor Sanwo-Olu said that the project is a major step towards achieving his administration's vision of making Lagos a 21st-century economy. "We are committed to delivering a world-class transportation system that will make it easy for our citizens to move around the state and do business," he said.

The Governor also assured that the project will be executed in a way that minimizes disruptions to traffic and ensures the safety of road users. "We will work closely with the Federal Government and other stakeholders to ensure that the project is completed on schedule and to the highest standards," he said.

The Regional Road Project is one of several infrastructure development projects being implemented by the Lagos State Government to improve the state's transportation infrastructure. Other projects include the reconstruction of the Apapa-Oshodi-Ojota-Oworonshoki Expressway and the construction of a new international airport.

The project is expected to create thousands of jobs and stimulate economic growth in the state. It is also expected to reduce the state's reliance on foreign aid and increase its revenue generation capacity.

The Lagos State Government has already begun the process of acquiring the necessary land and resources for the project. The project is expected to be completed in phases, with the first phase expected to be completed within the next 12 months.

The Regional Road Project is a major step towards achieving the Lagos State Government's vision of making the state a hub for economic growth and development in West Africa. The project is expected to have a positive impact on the state's economy and improve the quality of life for its citizens.