Sanusis lawyers plan legal action over his banishment

It seems like you're referring to the recent controversy surrounding Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). He was recently banned from traveling abroad by the Nigerian government.

According to reports, Sanusi's lawyers have indeed threatened to take legal action against the government over his banishment. They claim that the ban is unconstitutional and a violation of their client's fundamental human rights.

Sanusi's lawyers argue that the ban is a form of punishment without trial, which is against the principles of natural justice and the Nigerian constitution. They also claim that the government has not provided any valid reasons for the ban, and that it is a clear attempt to silence Sanusi and prevent him from speaking out against alleged corruption and mismanagement in the government.

The lawyers have given the government a deadline to lift the ban and provide a formal explanation for the action taken against Sanusi. If the government fails to comply, they have threatened to take the matter to court and seek judicial intervention.

This development is likely to escalate the already tense situation between Sanusi and the government. Sanusi has been a vocal critic of the government's economic policies and has accused some government officials of corruption. His banishment has been seen by many as a move to silence him and prevent him from speaking out against the government.

It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold, but it's clear that Sanusi's lawyers are determined to fight for their client's rights and challenge the government's actions in court.