Sanusi a jinx or act of destiny

A fascinating topic!

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi is a Nigerian banker and former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). His life has been marked by controversy, drama, and unexpected twists. Whether he is seen as a jinx or an act of destiny depends on one's perspective.

Arguments for Sanusi being a jinx:

  1. Unpredictability: Sanusi's career has been marked by sudden changes and unexpected events. He was removed as CBN Governor in 2014, just two years into his tenure, amidst controversy. This unpredictability could be seen as a jinx.
  2. Controversies: Sanusi has been involved in several high-profile controversies, including a dispute with the Nigerian government over the management of the country's oil sector and a scandal involving the CBN's handling of a $10 billion oil subsidy fund. These controversies could be seen as a jinx.
  3. Unconventional style: Sanusi is known for his outspoken and unconventional style, which has sometimes led to friction with government officials and other stakeholders. This unconventional style could be seen as a jinx.

Arguments for Sanusi being an act of destiny:

  1. Visionary leadership: Sanusi has been praised for his vision and leadership style, which has led to significant reforms in the Nigerian banking sector. His tenure as CBN Governor saw the introduction of several initiatives aimed at improving the sector's stability and efficiency.
  2. Courageous stance: Sanusi has taken courageous stands on several issues, including the management of the country's oil sector and the fight against corruption. His willingness to challenge the status quo could be seen as an act of destiny.
  3. Influence on Nigerian economy: Sanusi's policies and initiatives have had a significant impact on the Nigerian economy. His efforts to reform the banking sector and improve the country's financial stability have helped to stabilize the economy and attract foreign investment.

In conclusion, whether Sanusi is seen as a jinx or an act of destiny depends on one's perspective. While his career has been marked by controversy and unpredictability, he has also been a visionary leader who has made significant contributions to the Nigerian economy. Ultimately, Sanusi's legacy will depend on how his actions are perceived by history.