San antonio express news classifieds

The San Antonio Express-News is a major newspaper in San Antonio, Texas, and its classifieds section is a popular platform for buying and selling goods and services. Here are some ways to access the San Antonio Express-News classifieds:

  1. Online Classifieds: You can visit the San Antonio Express-News website ( and click on the "Classifieds" tab at the top of the page. From there, you can browse through various categories such as Jobs, Real Estate, Autos, and more.
  2. Print Edition: The San Antonio Express-News publishes a print edition daily, and the classifieds section is included in each edition. You can find the paper at newsstands, convenience stores, and other locations throughout San Antonio.
  3. Mobile App: The San Antonio Express-News has a mobile app that allows you to access the classifieds section on your smartphone or tablet. You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play.
  4. Phone: You can also call the San Antonio Express-News classifieds department directly at (210) 250-3400 to place an ad or inquire about a specific classified listing.

Some popular categories in the San Antonio Express-News classifieds include:

Remember to always exercise caution when responding to classified ads, especially when dealing with strangers or online transactions.