Samsung new ad

You're looking for the latest Samsung ad! Here are a few recent ones:

1. "Next Big Thing" (2022)

This ad showcases Samsung's latest innovations, including its foldable phones, 5G technology, and AI-powered cameras.

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2. "The Power to Unfold" (2022)

This ad highlights the versatility and durability of Samsung's foldable phones, featuring a young woman who uses her phone in various situations, from taking photos to playing games.

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3. "The Future is Foldable" (2021)

This ad introduces Samsung's foldable phone, the Galaxy Z Flip, and showcases its unique features, such as the ability to fold and unfold the screen.

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4. "Life Unstoppable" (2021)

This ad focuses on the theme of "life unstoppable" and features a series of vignettes showcasing people using their Samsung phones to capture life's moments, from hiking to dancing.

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5. "The Best of Samsung" (2020)

This ad highlights Samsung's range of products, including its smartphones, TVs, and home appliances, and emphasizes the brand's commitment to innovation and quality.

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These are just a few examples of Samsung's recent ads. Let me know if you'd like to see more!