Sample news casting script

Here's a sample news casting script for a 30-minute evening news broadcast:


[Upbeat music plays as the anchor, John, appears on screen with a friendly smile]

John: "Good evening, I'm John, and welcome to our evening news broadcast. We've got a packed show for you tonight, with the latest on local and national news, sports, and weather. Let's get started!"

Segment 1: Local News

[Cut to a graphic with the title "Local News"]

John: "First up, let's take a look at what's happening in our community. Our reporter, Sarah, has been investigating a new development in the city's downtown area. Sarah, what can you tell us?"

[Cut to Sarah, reporting live from the scene]

Sarah: "Thanks, John. Yes, the city has announced plans to revamp the downtown area, with a new mixed-use development project set to break ground next month. The project will bring in new businesses, housing, and amenities to the area, and is expected to create hundreds of jobs. We'll have more on this story as it develops."

Segment 2: National News

[Cut to a graphic with the title "National News"]

John: "Now, let's take a look at what's happening on the national stage. Our correspondent, Tom, has been following a major story out of Washington. Tom, what's the latest?"

[Cut to Tom, reporting from Washington D.C.]

Tom: "Thanks, John. Yes, the White House has announced a new initiative to address the growing opioid crisis. The plan includes increased funding for treatment programs, as well as new regulations on prescription painkillers. We'll have more on this story as it develops."

Segment 3: Sports

[Cut to a graphic with the title "Sports"]

John: "Now, let's switch gears to sports. Our sports anchor, Mike, has the latest on the local teams. Mike, what's happening?"

[Cut to Mike, reporting from the sports desk]

Mike: "Thanks, John. Yes, the local baseball team is gearing up for the playoffs, and we've got an exclusive interview with the team's star player. Plus, we'll take a look at the latest scores and highlights from around the league."

Segment 4: Weather

[Cut to a graphic with the title "Weather"]

John: "And finally, let's take a look at the weather. Our meteorologist, Emily, has the latest forecast. Emily, what can you tell us?"

[Cut to Emily, reporting from the weather center]

Emily: "Thanks, John. Yes, we're expecting a beautiful weekend ahead, with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures. However, we're also tracking a storm system that could bring heavy rain and thunderstorms to the area by Monday. We'll have more on that as it develops."


[Outro music plays as the anchor, John, appears on screen again]

John: "That's all for tonight. Thanks for joining us. We'll be back tomorrow with more news, sports, and weather. Goodnight, and we'll see you then!"

[Closing credits roll]

This is just a sample script, and the actual content and format may vary depending on the specific news broadcast and the needs of the audience.