Sample induction report by a new employee

Here's a sample induction report by a new employee:

Employee Name: [Your Name] Job Title: [Your Job Title] Date of Induction: [Date of Induction]


I am excited to have joined [Company Name] as a [Job Title] and am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this dynamic team. As part of my induction, I have been provided with a comprehensive overview of the company's policies, procedures, and expectations. This report summarizes my understanding of the key aspects of my role and the company's culture.

Company Overview:

Job Description:

Key Contacts:

Company Policies and Procedures:

Health and Safety:

Training and Development:

Next Steps:


I am excited to be a part of [Company Name] and am committed to making a positive contribution to the team. I believe that this induction report provides a comprehensive overview of my understanding of the company's policies, procedures, and expectations. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Signature: [Your Signature] Date: [Date]

Note: This is just a sample report, and you should customize it to fit your specific needs and circumstances.