Sample induction program for new teachers

Here is a sample induction program for new teachers:

Program Title: New Teacher Induction Program

Program Goals:

Program Components:

  1. Pre-Induction Orientation (1-2 hours)
    • Overview of the induction program and its goals
    • Introduction to school policies and procedures
    • Review of teacher evaluation and feedback processes
    • Q&A session
  2. Mentorship Program (ongoing)
    • Each new teacher is assigned a mentor, a veteran teacher who has experience in the same subject area or grade level
    • Mentor provides guidance, support, and feedback to new teacher
    • Regular check-ins and meetings with mentor
  3. Workshops and Training Sessions (6-8 sessions, 1-2 hours each)
    • Topics may include:
      • Classroom management and organization
      • Lesson planning and delivery
      • Assessment and grading strategies
      • Technology integration
      • Differentiated instruction and special needs support
    • Sessions may be led by school administrators, department chairs, or external experts
  4. Coaching and Feedback (ongoing)
    • New teachers receive regular coaching and feedback from mentors, department chairs, or school administrators
    • Feedback may be provided through observations, written feedback, or peer review
  5. Peer Support Network (ongoing)
    • New teachers are encouraged to connect with other new teachers and veteran teachers through regular meetings or online forums
    • Peer support network provides a safe space for new teachers to share concerns, ask questions, and receive support
  6. Professional Development Opportunities (ongoing)
    • New teachers are encouraged to participate in professional development opportunities, such as conferences, workshops, or online courses
    • School provides support and resources for professional development
  7. Evaluation and Feedback (ongoing)
    • New teachers receive regular evaluations and feedback from mentors, department chairs, or school administrators
    • Evaluations may be based on lesson plans, student work, and teacher self-assessment
  8. Celebration and Recognition (1-2 times per year)
    • New teachers are recognized and celebrated for their achievements and progress
    • Celebration may include a reception, award ceremony, or public recognition

Program Timeline:

Program Evaluation:

Program Budget:

Note: The specific components, timeline, and budget of the induction program may vary depending on the school or district.