Sama concerned over load sheddings impact on hospitals

A very relevant and pressing issue!

Sama, a non-profit organization that provides emergency medical services in South Africa, has expressed concern over the impact of load shedding on hospitals. Load shedding is a process of rotating power outages implemented by Eskom, the national power utility, to manage the country's electricity supply.

Sama's concerns are centered around the potential risks to patient care and safety during load shedding. Some of the specific issues they have highlighted include:

  1. Loss of critical medical equipment: Load shedding can cause medical equipment, such as ventilators, dialysis machines, and defibrillators, to shut down or malfunction, putting patients' lives at risk.
  2. Disruption of medical procedures: Load shedding can interrupt medical procedures, such as surgeries, and cause delays or cancellations, which can have serious consequences for patients.
  3. Inadequate lighting and ventilation: Load shedding can lead to inadequate lighting and ventilation in hospitals, creating an environment that is not conducive to patient care.
  4. Communication disruptions: Load shedding can disrupt communication systems, including phone and internet connectivity, making it difficult for hospitals to coordinate patient care and respond to emergencies.
  5. Staff fatigue and stress: Load shedding can cause hospital staff to work in challenging conditions, leading to fatigue, stress, and decreased morale, which can negatively impact patient care.

Sama has called on Eskom and the government to take immediate action to mitigate the impact of load shedding on hospitals. Some of the measures they have suggested include:

  1. Prioritizing hospital power supply: Eskom should prioritize the power supply to hospitals to ensure that they are not affected by load shedding.
  2. Implementing backup power systems: Hospitals should be equipped with backup power systems, such as generators, to ensure that critical medical equipment and services remain operational during load shedding.
  3. Developing contingency plans: Hospitals should develop contingency plans to manage the impact of load shedding, including emergency lighting and ventilation systems.
  4. Providing support to hospital staff: The government and Eskom should provide support to hospital staff, including stress management and fatigue reduction measures, to help them cope with the challenges of load shedding.

Overall, Sama's concerns highlight the need for a coordinated effort to ensure that hospitals are equipped to provide safe and effective care to patients during load shedding.