Salman rushdie new book

Salman Rushdie is a prolific author, and he has written many acclaimed books throughout his career. Here are some of his notable works:

  1. Midnight's Children (1981) - This is Rushdie's most famous novel, which won the Booker Prize in 1981. It's a magical realist tale about India's transition from British colonial rule to independence.
  2. Shame (1983) - This novel is a sequel to Midnight's Children and explores the themes of identity, history, and politics in Pakistan.
  3. The Satanic Verses (1988) - This novel was widely acclaimed but also sparked controversy due to its depiction of the Prophet Muhammad. It was banned in many countries and led to a fatwa against Rushdie.
  4. Haroun and the Sea of Stories (1990) - This children's book is a fantastical tale about a young boy who discovers a magical sea of stories.
  5. East, West (1994) - This novel is a collection of short stories that explore the themes of identity, culture, and politics.
  6. The Moor's Last Sigh (1995) - This novel is a family saga that explores the history of India and its relationship with the West.
  7. The Ground Beneath Her Feet (1999) - This novel is a postmodern epic that explores the themes of love, music, and politics in India and the Middle East.
  8. Fury (2001) - This novel is a historical epic that explores the themes of war, politics, and identity in India and Pakistan.
  9. Shalimar the Clown (2005) - This novel is a family saga that explores the themes of love, politics, and identity in India and Kashmir.
  10. The Enchantress of Florence (2008) - This novel is a historical fantasy that explores the themes of love, politics, and identity in Renaissance Italy and India.
  11. Joseph Anton: A Memoir (2012) - This memoir is a personal account of Rushdie's life, including his experiences under the fatwa and his relationships with friends and family.
  12. Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights (2015) - This novel is a fantastical tale about a young boy who discovers a magical world of djinns and humans.
  13. Quichotte (2019) - This novel is a postmodern epic that explores the themes of love, politics, and identity in contemporary America.

As for his new book, Salman Rushdie's most recent novel is Quichotte, which was published in 2019. It's a postmodern epic that explores the themes of love, politics, and identity in contemporary America. The novel follows the story of Quichotte, a middle-aged man who is obsessed with a TV show called "The Bachelor" and sets out on a road trip across America to find his true love. Along the way, he encounters a cast of characters who challenge his perceptions of reality and identity.

It's worth noting that Rushdie is known for his prolific writing and has been working on several projects simultaneously. He has also been involved in various literary and cultural initiatives, including the establishment of the PEN World Voices Festival.