Saliba needs to be horrible for arsenal gunners require bite from new boy says campbell

It seems like Ian Wright is not the only one who has been critical of William Saliba's performances for Arsenal. Former Gunners striker Sol Campbell has also expressed his disappointment with the young defender's displays, stating that he needs to be "horrible" for the team to succeed.

Campbell, who played for Arsenal from 2001 to 2006, believes that Saliba needs to show more aggression and bite on the pitch in order to make a positive impact for the team. He thinks that the French defender has the potential to be a top-class player, but he needs to work on his mental toughness and competitiveness.

Here's what Campbell had to say about Saliba:

"Saliba needs to be horrible for Arsenal. He needs to be nasty, he needs to be aggressive, he needs to be competitive. He's got the potential to be a top-class player, but he's not showing it at the moment. He's not showing the bite, the aggression, the nastiness that you need to be a top-class defender.

"I think he's got the ability, but he's not using it. He's not using his body, he's not using his strength, he's not using his speed. He's not using any of the tools that he's got. And that's why he's not making the impact that he should be making.

"I think he needs to go back to basics, he needs to work on his mental toughness, he needs to work on his competitiveness. He needs to be more aggressive, he needs to be more nasty. He needs to be horrible for Arsenal."

It's clear that Campbell is not impressed with Saliba's performances so far, and he believes that the young defender needs to make some significant changes if he wants to become a key player for Arsenal.