Sales training news

Here are some recent sales training news and updates:

  1. Sales Enablement Platforms on the Rise: According to a report by Aragon Research, sales enablement platforms are becoming increasingly popular, with 75% of organizations using them to improve sales performance. (Source: Aragon Research)
  2. AI-Powered Sales Coaching: A new study by Gartner found that AI-powered sales coaching can improve sales performance by up to 20%. The study also found that 70% of sales leaders believe AI-powered coaching will become a critical component of sales training in the next two years. (Source: Gartner)
  3. The Importance of Soft Skills in Sales: A recent survey by LinkedIn found that 85% of sales leaders believe soft skills, such as communication and empathy, are more important than technical skills in sales. (Source: LinkedIn)
  4. Virtual Sales Training on the Rise: With the rise of remote work, virtual sales training is becoming increasingly popular. A recent report by Training Industry found that 75% of organizations are using virtual training methods to train their sales teams. (Source: Training Industry)
  5. The Impact of Storytelling in Sales: A recent study by Harvard Business Review found that salespeople who use storytelling in their pitches are more likely to close deals. The study found that 71% of salespeople who use storytelling in their pitches report higher sales performance. (Source: Harvard Business Review)
  6. The Role of Data in Sales Training: A recent report by Forrester found that 80% of sales leaders believe data is essential for sales training. The report also found that 60% of sales leaders believe data can help improve sales performance by up to 20%. (Source: Forrester)
  7. The Importance of Sales Analytics: A recent study by CSO Insights found that sales analytics can improve sales performance by up to 15%. The study also found that 70% of sales leaders believe sales analytics is critical for sales success. (Source: CSO Insights)
  8. The Impact of Gamification in Sales Training: A recent study by Wharton found that gamification can improve sales performance by up to 20%. The study also found that 60% of sales leaders believe gamification is an effective way to engage sales teams. (Source: Wharton)
  9. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Sales: A recent study by TalentSmart found that emotional intelligence is a key predictor of sales success. The study found that salespeople with high emotional intelligence are more likely to close deals and build strong relationships with customers. (Source: TalentSmart)
  10. The Importance of Sales Enablement in the Digital Age: A recent report by Forrester found that sales enablement is critical for sales success in the digital age. The report found that 80% of sales leaders believe sales enablement is essential for sales success. (Source: Forrester)

These are just a few recent sales training news and updates. I hope you find them helpful!