Salary structure for new minimum wage

The salary structure for a new minimum wage can vary depending on the country, industry, and employer. However, here is a general outline of a salary structure for a new minimum wage:


Salary Structure:

  1. Base Salary:
    • Hourly wage: $15 per hour
    • Annual salary: $31,200 per year (based on 40 hours/week and 52 weeks/year)
  2. Benefits:
    • Health insurance: 10% of annual salary (=$3,120 per year)
    • Retirement plan: 5% of annual salary (=$1,560 per year)
    • Paid time off: 10 days per year (=$1,920 per year)
    • Other benefits (e.g. life insurance, disability insurance): 2% of annual salary (=$624 per year) Total benefits: $6,204 per year
  3. Bonuses:
    • Performance-based bonus: 5% of annual salary (=$1,560 per year)
    • Merit-based bonus: 2% of annual salary (=$624 per year) Total bonuses: $2,184 per year
  4. Total Compensation:
    • Base salary: $31,200 per year
    • Benefits: $6,204 per year
    • Bonuses: $2,184 per year Total compensation: $39,588 per year

