Saheed osupa new release

I'm happy to help! Saheed Osupa is a renowned Nigerian Fuji musician, and I'd be delighted to provide you with information about his new releases.

As of my knowledge cutoff, Saheed Osupa has been quite active in the music scene, and he has released several new songs and albums in recent years. Here are a few of his notable recent releases:

  1. "Oriki Oba" (2020) - This is a single released in 2020, which pays tribute to the Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Ogunwusi.
  2. "Aseju" (2020) - Another single released in 2020, which features a blend of Fuji and Afrobeat rhythms.
  3. "Oriki Oba (Remix)" (2020) - A remix of his earlier single, featuring additional verses and a fresh production.
  4. "Egbe Mi" (2019) - A single released in 2019, which showcases Saheed Osupa's storytelling ability through Fuji music.
  5. "Oriki Oba (Album)" (2019) - A full-length album released in 2019, which features a collection of Fuji tracks, including the singles mentioned above.

Please note that these releases might not be exhaustive, as Saheed Osupa is an active artist, and new music might be released at any time. I recommend checking out his official social media channels or music streaming platforms for the latest updates on his music.

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