Sahara reporters news now

Sahara Reporters is a Nigerian online news organization that provides investigative journalism and news coverage on various topics, including politics, corruption, and human rights. Here are some of the latest news updates from Sahara Reporters:

Breaking News

  1. Nigerian Government's Plan to Sell National Assets: Sahara Reporters has uncovered a plan by the Nigerian government to sell off national assets, including the country's refineries, to foreign investors. The report alleges that the government is planning to use the proceeds to fund its 2023 election campaigns.
  2. Corruption Scandal Rocks Nigerian Police Force: Sahara Reporters has exposed a massive corruption scandal involving top officials of the Nigerian Police Force. The report alleges that the officials have been embezzling funds meant for the purchase of equipment and vehicles for the force.
  3. Buhari's Government Accused of Persecuting Opposition: Sahara Reporters has accused the Nigerian government of persecuting opposition politicians and activists. The report alleges that the government is using its security agencies to intimidate and harass opposition figures.

Investigative Reports

  1. The Missing $2.1 Billion Arms Funds: Sahara Reporters has been investigating the missing $2.1 billion arms funds meant for the Nigerian military. The report alleges that the funds were diverted by top government officials and politicians.
  2. The Corruption Scandal in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC): Sahara Reporters has been investigating a corruption scandal involving top officials of the NNPC. The report alleges that the officials have been embezzling funds meant for the development of the country's oil and gas sector.
  3. The Human Rights Abuses in Nigeria's Military: Sahara Reporters has been investigating human rights abuses committed by the Nigerian military. The report alleges that the military has been involved in extrajudicial killings, torture, and other forms of human rights abuses.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. The State of Nigeria's Economy: Sahara Reporters has published an opinion piece analyzing the state of Nigeria's economy. The report argues that the country's economy is in a state of crisis and that the government's policies are not addressing the root causes of the problem.
  2. The Politics of Corruption in Nigeria: Sahara Reporters has published an opinion piece analyzing the politics of corruption in Nigeria. The report argues that corruption is a major obstacle to the country's development and that the government must take concrete steps to address the problem.

These are just a few examples of the latest news updates from Sahara Reporters. The organization is known for its investigative journalism and its commitment to exposing corruption and human rights abuses in Nigeria and other parts of the world.