Sahara reporters breaking news

Sahara Reporters is a Nigerian online news organization that specializes in investigative journalism and breaking news. Here are some of their recent breaking news stories:

Latest News

  1. Nigerian Government's Secret Plan to Sell Off National Assets: Sahara Reporters has uncovered a secret plan by the Nigerian government to sell off the country's national assets, including the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA). The plan is allegedly aimed at raising funds to finance the 2023 general elections. Read more
  2. Corruption Scandal Rocks Nigerian Police Force: Sahara Reporters has exposed a massive corruption scandal within the Nigerian Police Force, involving the theft of millions of naira meant for the purchase of police equipment and vehicles. Read more
  3. Buhari's Government Accused of Funding Boko Haram: Sahara Reporters has accused the Nigerian government of secretly funding the terrorist group, Boko Haram, in order to destabilize the country and justify military rule. Read more
  4. Nigerian Senate President's Son Arrested for Fraud: Sahara Reporters has reported that the son of the Nigerian Senate President, Ahmed Lawan, has been arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for alleged fraud. Read more
  5. Nigeria's Debt Crisis Deepens: Sahara Reporters has reported that Nigeria's debt crisis has deepened, with the country's debt now standing at over N40 trillion. The organization has accused the government of mismanaging the country's finances and failing to implement effective economic policies. Read more

Investigative Reports

  1. The Secret Lives of Nigeria's Politicians: Sahara Reporters has published a series of investigative reports exposing the secret lives of Nigeria's politicians, including their alleged corrupt activities and lavish lifestyles. Read more
  2. The Corruption Scandal in Nigeria's Judiciary: Sahara Reporters has published an investigative report exposing a massive corruption scandal within Nigeria's judiciary, involving the theft of millions of naira meant for the purchase of court equipment and vehicles. Read more
  3. The Illegal Oil Bunkering Scandal in Nigeria: Sahara Reporters has published an investigative report exposing a massive illegal oil bunkering scandal in Nigeria, involving the theft of millions of barrels of oil and the corruption of government officials. Read more

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of the news reports published by Sahara Reporters should be verified through other credible sources.