Saddam hussein daughter raghad iraqs wanted list #comments

Raghad Hussein, the daughter of Saddam Hussein, was indeed on the wanted list of the Iraqi government after her father's regime was toppled in 2003. Here are some key points and comments about her:

Wanted List: Raghad Hussein was listed as one of the most wanted individuals in Iraq by the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in 2003. The CPA offered a reward of $1 million for information leading to her capture.

Reason for Wanted Status: Raghad was wanted for her alleged involvement in human rights abuses and war crimes committed by her father's regime. She was also accused of being a key figure in the Iraqi intelligence services and of having played a role in the persecution of political opponents and minorities.

Escape to Syria: In April 2003, Raghad fled to Syria with her brother, Qusay Hussein, and other family members. She was reportedly hiding in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Capture and Interrogation: In April 2005, Raghad was arrested by Syrian authorities and handed over to Iraqi officials. She was taken to Baghdad and interrogated by Iraqi intelligence agents.

Trial and Sentence: In 2006, Raghad was put on trial in Baghdad for her alleged role in human rights abuses and war crimes. She was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Release and Exile: In 2009, Raghad was released from prison and exiled to Jordan, where she has been living ever since. Her brother, Qusay, was killed in a US military operation in 2003.


Overall, Raghad Hussein's case highlights the complexities of justice and accountability in post-conflict Iraq, as well as the challenges of bringing to justice those responsible for human rights abuses and war crimes.