Sacking ayu wouldve plunged pdp into more crisis atikus spokesperson the eagle online

It seems like you're referencing an article or statement made by Atiku Abubakar's spokesperson, The Eagle Online, regarding the potential consequences of sacking Ayu as the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

The statement suggests that if Ayu were to be sacked, it would have plunged the PDP into even more crisis. This implies that the party is already facing significant challenges, and the removal of Ayu would have exacerbated these issues.

It's likely that the statement is referring to the ongoing internal conflicts and power struggles within the PDP, particularly between the party's presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, and Ayu. The party has been plagued by infighting and disagreements over issues such as the distribution of party positions and the handling of the 2023 general elections.

By suggesting that sacking Ayu would have plunged the party into more crisis, The Eagle Online is likely trying to convey that Ayu's removal would have created a power vacuum and potentially destabilized the party further. This could have led to a loss of momentum and credibility for the party, making it even more challenging for them to win the upcoming elections.

Overall, the statement appears to be an attempt to emphasize the importance of maintaining stability and unity within the PDP, particularly in the lead-up to the 2023 elections.