Sack provost now adamawa assembly tells gov bindow

It seems like there's a developing story in Adamawa State, Nigeria. According to reports, the Adamawa State House of Assembly has called on Governor Muhammadu Umaru Jibrilla Bindow to sack the Provost of the Adamawa State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Professor Emmanuel Ngweche.

The Assembly's decision is reportedly based on allegations of gross misconduct and financial mismanagement leveled against the Provost. The lawmakers have accused Ngweche of misappropriating funds meant for the college and engaging in other unethical practices.

It's worth noting that the Assembly's resolution is not yet a formal impeachment process, but rather a call on the Governor to take necessary action against the Provost. The Governor has not yet responded to the Assembly's request, but it's likely that he will take some action in the coming days.

This development highlights the importance of accountability and transparency in public institutions, particularly in the education sector. It's crucial that those entrusted with public funds and resources are held accountable for their actions and decisions.

I'll be keeping an eye on this story and provide updates as more information becomes available.