Russian space news

Here are some recent and notable Russian space news:

Recent Launches:

  1. Soyuz MS-18: Launched on April 9, 2021, carrying three cosmonauts to the International Space Station (ISS).
  2. Angolan satellite: Launched on April 28, 2021, carrying a satellite for Angola's telecommunications company, Movicel.
  3. Spektr-RG: Launched on July 13, 2021, a joint Russian-German space telescope to study the universe.

Upcoming Missions:

  1. Nauka: Scheduled to launch in 2022, a new Russian space station module to replace the aging Zvezda module on the ISS.
  2. Luna-27: Scheduled to launch in 2022, a lunar lander mission to study the Moon's south pole.
  3. Spektr-UV: Scheduled to launch in 2023, a space telescope to study the ultraviolet spectrum of the universe.

Space Station News:

  1. Russian cosmonauts return: In April 2021, Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky and Pyotr Dubrov returned to Earth after spending six months on the ISS.
  2. New ISS module: Russia is planning to launch a new module, Nauka, to the ISS in 2022, which will replace the aging Zvezda module.

Other News:

  1. Russian space agency reorganization: In March 2021, Russia's space agency, Roscosmos, underwent a major reorganization, with several top officials resigning or being replaced.
  2. Russian space industry challenges: Russia's space industry has faced several challenges in recent years, including funding cuts, delays, and technical issues with its spacecraft.
  3. International cooperation: Russia has been working to strengthen its international cooperation in space exploration, including with NASA, the European Space Agency, and China.

Recent Achievements:

  1. Long-duration spaceflight record: In 2020, Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov set a new record for the longest single spaceflight, spending 437 days, 17 hours, and 58 minutes in space.
  2. Russian spacecraft re-entry: In 2020, Russia successfully tested its new spacecraft re-entry technology, which will be used for future crewed missions.

These are just a few examples of recent Russian space news. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments, I recommend following reputable sources such as Roscosmos, TASS, and RIA Novosti.