Russia says syrian government controls 93 percent of aleppo

According to recent reports, Russia's Defense Ministry has stated that the Syrian government has regained control of 93% of the city of Aleppo, which was a major stronghold of the rebel forces.

This announcement comes after a significant military campaign by the Syrian government, backed by Russian air power, to retake the city from the rebels. The campaign, which began in September, has resulted in the recapture of several key neighborhoods and districts, including the strategic Castello Road, which connects Aleppo to the government-controlled parts of the city.

The Russian Defense Ministry's statement suggests that the Syrian government has made significant gains in recent weeks, and that the rebels are now largely confined to a small area of the city. However, it's worth noting that the situation on the ground is still fluid, and there may be ongoing fighting and skirmishes between government forces and rebels.

The recapture of Aleppo would be a major victory for the Syrian government and its allies, and would mark a significant turning point in the conflict. The city has been a key battleground in the war, and its capture would give the government control over a major urban center and a significant portion of the country's economic and industrial infrastructure.

It's also worth noting that the humanitarian situation in Aleppo remains dire, with thousands of civilians trapped in the city and in need of aid. The United Nations and other humanitarian organizations have been working to deliver aid to the city, but the situation remains challenging and complex.

Overall, the Russian Defense Ministry's statement suggests that the Syrian government has made significant gains in its campaign to retake Aleppo, but the situation on the ground remains fluid and complex.