Russia military news sputnik

Here are some recent military news articles from Sputnik, a Russian state-owned news agency:

Recent Articles:

  1. Russia's S-400 Missile System to Be Deployed in Syria (March 2023)

Russia's S-400 Triumf air defense missile system will be deployed in Syria to protect Russian military personnel and facilities, the Russian Defense Ministry announced.

  1. Russia's New Su-57 Fighter Jet to Enter Service in 2023 (February 2023)

Russia's Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jet is expected to enter service with the Russian Air Force in 2023, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

  1. Russia's Navy to Receive New Submarines and Warships in 2023 (January 2023)

Russia's Navy is set to receive new submarines and warships in 2023, including the Project 885M Yasen-M submarine and the Project 22350 frigate.

  1. Russia's Military to Receive New T-14 Armata Tanks in 2023 (December 2022)

Russia's military is set to receive new T-14 Armata tanks in 2023, which will be equipped with advanced armor and firepower.

  1. Russia's Aerospace Forces to Receive New MiG-35 Fighter Jets (November 2022)

Russia's Aerospace Forces are set to receive new MiG-35 fighter jets, which will be used for air-to-air combat and ground attack missions.

Trending Topics:

  1. Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Sputnik reports on the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, including military operations, ceasefire agreements, and diplomatic efforts.

  2. NATO-Russia Tensions: Sputnik covers the tensions between NATO and Russia, including military exercises, sanctions, and diplomatic disputes.

  3. Russian Military Modernization: Sputnik reports on Russia's military modernization efforts, including the development of new weapons systems, military technology, and personnel training.

  4. International Military Cooperation: Sputnik covers Russia's military cooperation with other countries, including joint exercises, arms sales, and military aid.

  5. Military Exercises and Drills: Sputnik reports on Russia's military exercises and drills, including large-scale exercises, naval drills, and air defense exercises.

Please note that Sputnik is a state-owned news agency, and its reporting may be biased towards the Russian government's perspective. It's always a good idea to fact-check and verify information from multiple sources.