Russia latest military news now

Here are some of the latest military news from Russia:

Recent Developments:

  1. Nuclear Modernization: Russia has begun modernizing its nuclear arsenal, with the development of new intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). The country has also upgraded its nuclear command and control systems.
  2. Arctic Military Buildup: Russia has been increasing its military presence in the Arctic region, with the deployment of troops, aircraft, and naval vessels to the area. This is seen as a response to the growing importance of the Arctic region for global trade and energy resources.
  3. Syrian Intervention: Russia has maintained a military presence in Syria since 2015, with the goal of supporting the government of Bashar al-Assad. The country has used its military might to help turn the tide of the conflict in favor of the government.
  4. NATO Tensions: Russia has been engaged in a series of military exercises and deployments along its borders with NATO member countries, which has led to increased tensions between the two sides.
  5. Cyber Warfare: Russia has been accused of engaging in cyber warfare against other countries, including the United States and Ukraine. The country has also been developing its cyber warfare capabilities.

Recent Military Exercises:

  1. Zapad 2021: Russia and Belarus conducted a large-scale military exercise called Zapad 2021 in September 2021. The exercise involved thousands of troops and was seen as a demonstration of the military capabilities of the two countries.
  2. Vostok 2022: Russia conducted a large-scale military exercise called Vostok 2022 in August 2022. The exercise involved thousands of troops and was seen as a demonstration of the military capabilities of the Russian military.
  3. Kavkaz 2022: Russia conducted a military exercise called Kavkaz 2022 in September 2022. The exercise involved thousands of troops and was seen as a demonstration of the military capabilities of the Russian military.

Recent Military Procurement:

  1. S-500 Air Defense System: Russia has developed a new air defense system called the S-500, which is designed to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles and aircraft.
  2. Tu-160M2 Bomber: Russia has developed a new bomber called the Tu-160M2, which is designed to replace the country's aging Tu-160 bomber fleet.
  3. Borei-A Submarine: Russia has developed a new submarine called the Borei-A, which is designed to carry nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles.

Recent Military Deployments:

  1. Crimea: Russia has maintained a significant military presence in Crimea since the country annexed the peninsula in 2014.
  2. Donbas: Russia has maintained a significant military presence in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine since 2014.
  3. Arctic: Russia has been increasing its military presence in the Arctic region, with the deployment of troops, aircraft, and naval vessels to the area.

Recent Military Budget:

  1. 2022 Budget: Russia's military budget for 2022 was increased by 10% compared to the previous year, with a total budget of 3.2 trillion rubles (approximately $45 billion USD).
  2. 2023 Budget: Russia's military budget for 2023 is expected to increase by another 10% compared to the previous year, with a total budget of 3.5 trillion rubles (approximately $50 billion USD).

I hope this information is helpful.