Russia latest military news

Here are some of the latest military news and developments from Russia:

Recent Developments:

  1. Nuclear Modernization: Russia has begun modernizing its nuclear arsenal, including the development of new intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). The country has also tested a new nuclear-powered cruise missile, the Kh-32.
  2. Arctic Military Buildup: Russia has been increasing its military presence in the Arctic region, with the deployment of new troops, equipment, and infrastructure. The country has also been developing its icebreaker fleet to support its military operations in the region.
  3. Syrian Intervention: Russia has continued to support the Syrian government in its conflict with rebel groups, with the deployment of troops, aircraft, and naval vessels. The country has also been involved in peace talks aimed at resolving the conflict.
  4. NATO Tensions: Russia has been engaged in a series of military exercises and deployments along its borders with NATO member countries, including Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia. The country has also been critical of NATO's military buildup in Eastern Europe.
  5. Cyber Warfare: Russia has been accused of engaging in cyber warfare against other countries, including the United States, Ukraine, and Estonia. The country has also been developing its cyber warfare capabilities, including the creation of a new cyber warfare unit.

Recent Military Exercises:

  1. Vostok-2022: Russia conducted a large-scale military exercise in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, involving over 300,000 troops, 14,000 tanks, and 1,000 aircraft.
  2. Zapad-2021: Russia conducted a large-scale military exercise in Western Russia, involving over 200,000 troops, 10,000 tanks, and 1,000 aircraft.
  3. Kavkaz-2020: Russia conducted a large-scale military exercise in the Caucasus region, involving over 80,000 troops, 1,000 tanks, and 200 aircraft.

Recent Military Procurement:

  1. S-500 Air Defense System: Russia has begun mass-producing its new S-500 air defense system, which is designed to intercept ballistic missiles and hypersonic targets.
  2. T-14 Armata Tank: Russia has begun mass-producing its new T-14 Armata tank, which is designed to be highly advanced and heavily armored.
  3. Su-57 Fighter Jet: Russia has begun mass-producing its new Su-57 fighter jet, which is designed to be highly advanced and capable of operating in a variety of environments.

Recent Military Budget:

  1. 2022 Budget: Russia has allocated a significant portion of its 2022 budget to military spending, with a focus on modernizing its military equipment and infrastructure.
  2. 2023 Budget: Russia has proposed a significant increase in military spending for 2023, with a focus on developing its nuclear deterrent and modernizing its military equipment.

Recent Military Personnel:

  1. General Valery Gerasimov: Russia's Chief of the General Staff, General Valery Gerasimov, has been a key figure in the country's military modernization efforts and has been involved in a number of high-profile military exercises and deployments.
  2. Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov: Russia's Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, has been involved in a number of high-profile naval exercises and deployments, including the country's Arctic military buildup.

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date.