Rule breaker lora leigh

"Rule Breaker" is a romance novel by Lora Leigh, published in 2011. The book is part of her "Breeds" series, which follows a group of genetically engineered humans known as the Breeds, who are the result of experiments by a secret organization.

Here's a brief summary of the book:

The story follows Rule Breaker, a Breed who has been living on the outside of society for years, avoiding detection by the humans who created him. He's a loner, content with his solitary existence, until he meets a human woman named Jasmine.

Jasmine is a strong-willed and independent individual who has been tracking Rule Breaker, determined to uncover the truth about the Breeds and their origins. When she finally finds him, she's shocked to discover that he's not the monster she expected, but a complex and intriguing individual.

As Rule Breaker and Jasmine spend more time together, they begin to develop feelings for each other, despite the danger and uncertainty that surrounds them. But their love is threatened by the secrets of the Breeds' past, and the danger that lurks in the shadows.

"Rule Breaker" is a romantic and suspenseful novel that explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the power of love to overcome even the most daunting challenges.