Rsust news

You're looking for news related to the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) or the Russian space program in general! Here are some recent updates:

Recent News:

  1. Soyuz MS-18 Launch: On April 21, 2022, a Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft carrying three cosmonauts and one NASA astronaut launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, bound for the International Space Station.
  2. Russian Space Station Module: In March 2022, Roscosmos announced plans to launch a new module for the Russian segment of the International Space Station, called Nauka (Science). The module is expected to increase the station's living space and provide additional scientific research capabilities.
  3. Luna-25 Mission: In February 2022, Roscosmos launched the Luna-25 mission, a lunar lander designed to study the Moon's surface and search for water ice. The mission is part of Russia's lunar exploration program.
  4. Angara Rocket: In January 2022, Roscosmos conducted a successful test launch of the Angara-1.2 rocket, a new heavy-lift launch vehicle designed to replace the Soyuz rocket. The Angara rocket is expected to play a key role in Russia's future space missions.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Soyuz MS-19 Launch: Scheduled for June 2022, this Soyuz spacecraft will carry three cosmonauts and one NASA astronaut to the International Space Station.
  2. Luna-26 Mission: Planned for 2023, the Luna-26 mission will send a lunar orbiter to study the Moon's surface and search for water ice.
  3. Nauka Module Arrival: Expected in 2023, the Nauka module will dock with the International Space Station, expanding its living space and scientific capabilities.

Stay tuned for more updates on the Russian space program!