Romeo romeo wherefore art thou romeo

One of the most famous lines in all of literature!

"Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?"

This is the opening line of Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2, spoken by Juliet as she laments the fact that Romeo is a Montague, and therefore her family's sworn enemy. She is saying that she loves Romeo, but their families' hatred for each other makes their love impossible.

The phrase "wherefore art thou" is often misinterpreted as "where are you?" but it actually means "why are you?" or "what is the reason for your being?" So, Juliet is essentially asking Romeo why he has to be a Montague, and why their families' feud has to come between them.

This line has become an iconic phrase in popular culture, often used humorously or ironically to express longing or frustration.