Rome business school set to priorities indigenous enterprises #

Rome Business School (RBS) has announced its intention to prioritize indigenous enterprises and support their growth and development. This move is part of the school's commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the business world.

RBS has recognized the importance of indigenous entrepreneurship and the significant contributions that indigenous-led businesses can make to the economy and society. By prioritizing indigenous enterprises, the school aims to provide them with the resources, support, and networking opportunities they need to succeed.

The school's decision to prioritize indigenous enterprises is also driven by the recognition that indigenous-led businesses often face unique challenges and barriers to entry, such as limited access to capital, lack of representation, and cultural and linguistic barriers. By providing targeted support and resources, RBS aims to help indigenous entrepreneurs overcome these challenges and achieve their full potential.

RBS has already taken several steps to prioritize indigenous enterprises, including:

  1. Establishing an Indigenous Entrepreneurship Program: The school has launched a dedicated program to support indigenous entrepreneurs, providing them with access to mentorship, training, and networking opportunities.
  2. Creating an Indigenous Business Incubator: RBS has established an incubator specifically designed for indigenous-led businesses, providing them with a supportive environment to develop and grow their ideas.
  3. Partnering with Indigenous Organizations: The school has partnered with indigenous organizations and community groups to better understand the needs and challenges faced by indigenous entrepreneurs and to develop targeted support programs.
  4. Providing Cultural Competency Training: RBS has introduced cultural competency training for its faculty and staff, ensuring that they are equipped to work effectively with indigenous entrepreneurs and understand the unique challenges they face.

By prioritizing indigenous enterprises, RBS aims to make a positive impact on the lives of indigenous entrepreneurs and contribute to the growth and development of indigenous-led businesses.