Romania detains 6 syrian migrants on way to schengen zone #comments

Here are some possible comments on the article:

Comment 1 "This is a clear example of Romania's commitment to border control and security. We can't let our borders be overrun by migrants who may pose a threat to our citizens."

Comment 2 "I'm all for helping refugees, but we need to make sure they're not a threat to our country. These 6 Syrians were trying to sneak into the Schengen zone, that's not right. We need to prioritize our own security."

Comment 3 "This is a humanitarian crisis! These people are fleeing war and persecution, and we're detaining them? We need to show compassion and help them integrate into our society, not lock them up."

Comment 4 "I'm not surprised. Romania has always been a bit strict when it comes to immigration. But we need to be careful not to generalize all migrants as a threat. These 6 Syrians might be innocent people who just want a better life."

Comment 5 "This is a clear violation of human rights! Detaining migrants without a fair trial is unacceptable. We need to respect international law and treat these people with dignity and respect."

Comment 6 "I'm glad Romania is taking a tough stance on immigration. We can't let our country be overrun by migrants who may not share our values or culture. We need to protect our way of life."

Note: These comments are just examples and may not reflect the actual opinions of real people.