Roman abramovich latest news

Roman Abramovich is a Russian billionaire and the owner of Chelsea Football Club. Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. UK Sanctions: In March 2022, the UK government sanctioned Roman Abramovich and other Russian oligarchs in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The sanctions froze his assets in the UK and prohibited British citizens from doing business with him.
  2. Chelsea FC Sale: In May 2022, Abramovich put Chelsea FC up for sale, citing the UK sanctions and the need to prioritize the club's future. The sale process is ongoing, with several potential buyers reportedly interested in acquiring the club.
  3. Russian Sanctions: In June 2022, Russia imposed sanctions on Abramovich, freezing his assets and prohibiting Russian citizens from doing business with him.
  4. Abramovich's Net Worth: According to Forbes, Abramovich's net worth has decreased significantly due to the sanctions, from $12.4 billion in 2021 to around $6.5 billion in 2022.
  5. Abramovich's Philanthropy: Despite the sanctions, Abramovich has continued to support various charitable causes, including the Chelsea FC Foundation, which he has funded with millions of pounds.

Recent Quotes:

  1. "I have always acted in the best interests of the club and will continue to do so." - Roman Abramovich, in a statement announcing the sale of Chelsea FC.
  2. "I am grateful to the fans, players, and staff for their unwavering support during this challenging period." - Roman Abramovich, in a statement following the UK sanctions.

Recent Interviews:

  1. BBC Interview: In a rare interview with the BBC in May 2022, Abramovich spoke about the UK sanctions and the sale of Chelsea FC, saying that he was "disappointed" by the decision but would respect it.
  2. The Times Interview: In an interview with The Times in June 2022, Abramovich discussed his philanthropic efforts and his plans for the future, saying that he would continue to support charitable causes despite the sanctions.

Recent Articles:

  1. The Guardian: "Roman Abramovich's Chelsea FC sale: what's next for the club and its potential buyers?" (June 2022)
  2. The Telegraph: "Roman Abramovich's net worth plummets by £6bn as sanctions bite" (June 2022)
  3. Forbes: "Roman Abramovich's Net Worth Plunges By $6.5 Billion Amid Sanctions" (June 2022)

Please note that the news and updates about Roman Abramovich are subject to change and may not be up-to-date.