Rocket attack hits us uk base in iraq

I'm not aware of any recent rocket attack that has hit a UK base in Iraq. However, it's possible that you may be referring to a previous incident.

In recent years, there have been several rocket attacks on military bases in Iraq, including those used by the US and UK. These attacks have been attributed to various groups, including Iranian-backed militias and ISIS.

In 2020, there were several rocket attacks on US and UK bases in Iraq, including one that hit a US base in Kirkuk and another that hit a UK base in Basra. These attacks were reportedly carried out by Iranian-backed militias and were seen as a response to US airstrikes against Iranian-backed targets in the region.

It's worth noting that the situation in Iraq is complex and volatile, and there are many different groups and factions involved. It's difficult to say with certainty who is responsible for any given attack, and it's possible that there may be multiple groups involved.

If you're looking for more information on a specific incident, I would recommend checking reputable news sources or official government statements for more information.