Robert breaker rightly dividing god's word

A classic!

"Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" is a phrase coined by the American Baptist preacher and theologian Lewis Sperry Chafer, not Robert Breaker. Chafer used this phrase in his book "Systematic Theology" (1947) to describe the importance of interpreting the Bible in a way that is consistent with its own internal logic and structure.

The phrase has since been widely adopted and is often associated with the Dispensationalist movement, which emphasizes the distinction between Israel and the Church, and the need to understand the Bible's different dispensations or eras.

In essence, "rightly dividing the word of truth" means to interpret the Bible in a way that:

  1. Recognizes the different dispensations or eras of God's dealings with humanity (e.g., the Old Covenant, the New Covenant, the Church Age).
  2. Distinguishes between Israel and the Church, and understands their respective roles and relationships with God.
  3. Seeks to understand the Bible's internal logic and structure, rather than imposing external interpretations or biases.
  4. Seeks to apply the Bible's teachings in a way that is consistent with its own principles and themes.

Robert Breaker, on the other hand, is a contemporary Christian author and speaker who has written extensively on biblical interpretation and application. While he may have written about the importance of "rightly dividing the word of truth," he is not the originator of the phrase.