Robert breaker how a christian should dress

Robert Breaker is a popular Christian speaker and author who has written extensively on various topics, including modesty and Christian living. Here are some of his thoughts on how a Christian should dress:

Modesty is a Biblical Mandate

Breaker emphasizes that modesty is not just a cultural or societal expectation, but a biblical mandate. He quotes 1 Timothy 2:9-10, which says, "I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairdos or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God."

Dress with Humility and Humbleness

Breaker encourages Christians to dress with humility and humbleness, rather than trying to draw attention to themselves. He suggests that we should dress in a way that reflects our dependence on God and our focus on serving others, rather than seeking to impress others.

Avoid Excessive Attention-Seeking

Breaker warns against dressing in a way that seeks to draw excessive attention to oneself. He suggests that we should avoid clothing that is too tight, too short, or too revealing, as these types of clothes can be distracting and even sinful.

Dress with Respect for Others

Breaker also emphasizes the importance of dressing with respect for others. He suggests that we should dress in a way that shows respect for God, for others, and for ourselves. He encourages Christians to dress in a way that is appropriate for the occasion and the company they are keeping.

Some Practical Guidelines

Breaker offers some practical guidelines for Christian men and women on how to dress modestly and biblically. For men, he suggests:

For women, he suggests:


In conclusion, Robert Breaker emphasizes that dressing modestly and biblically is not just about following a set of rules, but about living out our faith in a way that honors God and reflects our dependence on Him. He encourages Christians to dress with humility, humbleness, and respect for others, and to avoid excessive attention-seeking and immodesty.