Robert breaker cloud church visions

It seems like you're interested in Robert Breaker's work on cloud churches and visions. Here's a brief overview:

Robert Breaker is a Christian minister and author who has written extensively on the topic of cloud churches and visions. He is the founder of the Cloud Church movement, which emphasizes the importance of spiritual experiences and visions in the life of a believer.

Breaker's teachings focus on the idea that God communicates with believers through visions, dreams, and other spiritual experiences. He believes that these experiences are a normal part of the Christian life and that they can provide guidance, comfort, and direction for believers.

Some of the key concepts in Breaker's teachings include:

  1. The importance of spiritual experiences: Breaker emphasizes the importance of having spiritual experiences, such as visions, dreams, and prophetic words, in the life of a believer. He believes that these experiences are a way for God to communicate with believers and provide guidance and direction.
  2. The role of the Holy Spirit: Breaker teaches that the Holy Spirit is the one who enables believers to have spiritual experiences and visions. He believes that the Holy Spirit is the one who gives believers the ability to hear God's voice and understand His will.
  3. The importance of obedience: Breaker emphasizes the importance of obedience to God's voice, whether it comes through visions, dreams, or other spiritual experiences. He believes that believers must be willing to obey God's voice, even if it means stepping out in faith and taking risks.
  4. The role of the cloud: Breaker teaches that the cloud is a symbol of God's presence and power. He believes that the cloud represents God's glory and that it is a reminder of God's presence in the believer's life.

Some of the key books and resources written by Robert Breaker include:

  1. "The Cloud Church" - This book provides an overview of the Cloud Church movement and its teachings.
  2. "Visions and Dreams" - This book explores the topic of spiritual experiences and visions in the life of a believer.
  3. "The Holy Spirit and the Cloud" - This book examines the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer and how He enables believers to have spiritual experiences and visions.
  4. "The Cloud and the Glory" - This book explores the symbolism of the cloud in the Bible and its connection to God's glory.

Overall, Robert Breaker's teachings emphasize the importance of spiritual experiences and visions in the life of a believer and the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling believers to have these experiences.