Rmd urge young actors to be more intentional

I think you meant to say "RMD urges young actors to be more intentional".

RMD, a renowned Nigerian actor, has indeed spoken out on the importance of intentionality in the acting profession. In an interview, he emphasized the need for young actors to be more intentional in their approach to their craft.

Here are some key points he made:

  1. Define your goals: RMD stressed the importance of setting clear goals for oneself in the acting profession. He encouraged young actors to identify what they want to achieve and work towards it with purpose.
  2. Develop your craft: RMD urged young actors to focus on developing their skills and craft. He emphasized the need to continually learn, take classes, and seek feedback from mentors and peers.
  3. Be selective: RMD advised young actors to be selective about the projects they take on. He encouraged them to choose roles that align with their goals and values, and to avoid taking on too many projects at once.
  4. Stay focused: RMD emphasized the importance of staying focused and disciplined in the pursuit of one's goals. He encouraged young actors to avoid distractions and stay committed to their craft.
  5. Be authentic: RMD urged young actors to be authentic and true to themselves. He emphasized the importance of staying grounded and humble, even in the face of success.

By being more intentional, RMD believes that young actors can achieve greater success and fulfillment in their careers. He encourages them to stay focused, work hard, and always be open to learning and growth.

What do you think about RMD's advice? Do you have any personal experiences or tips to share on being intentional in your own career or pursuits?