Rivers is not operating an econ­omy in recession it is operating a divine economy gov wike #comments

It seems like you're expressing your opinion about the state of the economy in Rivers State, Nigeria, under the leadership of Governor Nyesom Wike. You're saying that Rivers State is not operating an economy in recession, but rather a "divine economy" under Governor Wike's governance.

Here are some possible interpretations of your statement:

  1. Optimism about the economy: You might be suggesting that despite the national economic challenges, Rivers State is doing relatively well under Governor Wike's leadership. This could be due to the state's natural resources, investments, or other economic initiatives.
  2. Divine intervention: The phrase "divine economy" could imply that you believe Governor Wike's leadership is blessed by a higher power, and that the state's economy is thriving as a result of this divine intervention.
  3. Criticism of national economic policies: Your statement might be a commentary on the national economic policies, suggesting that the federal government's decisions are not benefiting the state, and that Governor Wike's leadership is working to create a more prosperous economy despite these challenges.

To better understand your perspective, could you please provide more context or clarify what you mean by "divine economy"? Are there specific economic initiatives or policies that you'd like to highlight as successful under Governor Wike's leadership?